Glodi Eneste ble nok en gang "King of the Ring"
Glodi Eneste tok nok en gang hjem prisen som mesterskapets beste bokser i den store herreturneringen King of the Ring i Borås, Sverige. Norge har dermed "tatt tittelen hjem" i to år på rad både i herre og kvinneklassen (Marielle Hansen i Golden Girl).
Juryens beskrivelse: In hard and dramatic fights, Glodi Eneste defended his crown in a style that established him as a true champion. With hard explosive punches and great movement he works comfortable in every distance. Glodi has an unique way of getting everyone to like him and his boxing. He is really the peoples champ. He is truly our Two Time Champion - THE KING OF THE RING!
Publisert: mandag 25. november 2013