AIBA Kongress nye regler | Norges bokseforbund

AIBA Kongress nye regler

Under AIBA,s kongress ble det behandlet et syort antall forslag til nye eller endring av reglerHer er en oversikt over de vikstigste i engelsk versjon.
Publisert: tirsdag 14. november 2006



Her er en oversikt over de viktigste regler som ble vedtatt på kongressen i Santa Domingo.


New article:      Open Scoring

1. The public visual display of the score at the end of each round and the conclusion    of the contest (after the final decision is announced) to be adopted.

2. The visual display of the individual (running) scoring of each Judge also to be seriously considered.

New article:      Contest Decisions

1. The “accepted” or “agreed” score of each individual Judge be used to determine the results of a contest: eliminating the highest and the lowest score accorded to each boxer, and adding the remaining three scores of each boxer to determine the final outcome.

2. In the event of a draw, the ultimate decision to be made by the Judges pressing either the Red or Blue button

Article III D.      Any individual who holds or has been holding before any position in a Professional Boxing Body may not be a member in any AIBA position, or its associated Commissions or Federations affiliated, nor a delegate at the AIBA Congress.

                        Dette er en innskjerpelse og utvidelse av en regel som sier at personer som har en posisjon innenfor profesjonell boksing, det være seg manager, promotor, dommer, trener, ikke kan være medlemmer av eller ha posisjoner innenfor amatørboksing.

Rule VII A.        Draw for the Olympic Games should be conducted before its start by at least a full month, the Draw should be announced and conducted in the city chosen for the Olympic Games or any other place decided by AIBA.

Rule X               Add a new paragraph:  

                        Drawing of R/J`s will not be mechanical. A software programme will be prepared and it will work by computer means.

Rule XI C.         To replace: “A candidat may not be older than 45 years according to the date of birth at the time of examination”.

                        With: “A candidate older than 45 years and younger than 50 years according to the date of birth at the time of examination must present a Medical Certifricate signed by a Doctor of the Medical Commission of a different nationality than that of the candidate”.

Rule XII             In Rule XII replace paragraph C with:

                                   “ Overruling the Referee. A decision of a Referee may be overruled by the Jury when the Referee has given a decision which is clearly against the Articles and Rules of AIBA, when considering such incident the jury may use video tape recorder.

Rule XII             To add to a new part G:

                                   Results must be announced in a “Running Score”.

Rule XVII           Add a new paragraph:

                        “Running Open Scoring. The spectators will be able to see the scores. The scores will be shown instantly from the corners. The five Judges shall not be able to see the scores during the bout.”


Forslag til regler som ikke ble vedtatt.


Her er noen av de forslag til regler som ikke ble vedtatt på grunn av at styrets anbefaling.


Rule VI B.          Amend Rule VI. Paragraph B, as follows:

“ For senior and Junior (U-19)Men and Women boxers there shall be 11 weight classes……For Cadet (Male and Female ) boxers there shall be 13 weight classes”

Rule VIII            Replace paragraph A. by

“In world, Olympic or Continental Championships or Tournaments, there shall be three (3) rounds of three (3) minutes each, one (1) minute rest between rounds.

Rule X               Add a new paragraph:

“Judges with good rating in the last Olympics shall have the right to work in the next Olympics”.

Appendix VII     Replace  “The duration of bouts for female boxers shall be 3 rounds of 2 minutes each”.

                        With “The duration of bouts for female boxers (Senior and Juniors) shall be 4 rounds of 2 minutes each. Cadet female boxers shall box 3 rounds of 2 minutes each”.


Rule XVI            Extinguishing the RSC-outclassed decision.

                        (Dette forslaget var sendt inn fra Finland, Moldavia, Polen og Women Boxing Commission, men ble ikke vedtatt)

Rule VI B           Add a new weight category for Female and Cadet boxers:

                        “For Female and Cadet boxers there shall be 14 weight classes:

                        46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 70, 75, 80, 86 and +86 kg


Dette var et utdrag av de forslag til regler som ble behandlet under kongressen.

Fullstendig oversikt over regler som gjelder fra 01.01.2007 ligger på AIBA,s nettside